

The woman I work with assumed that because all I had said to her about what was going on was that I am pregnant but I am bleeding last Monday,  that I have had a miscarriage.

So when someone else who I have told starts giving me a hard time about making sure I’m not lifting boxes that are too heavy, she decides that he ias actually giving her a hard time about not doing enough work, and her words we’re ” Well if you don’t WANT to lift heavy boxes then I will have to do it ALL    MYSELF!” So I said “its not about WANTing anything” she walks off in a huff, minutes later we have to be in the same space and it starts up again and I say “you have had 3 children and have never been warned about not lifting heavy stuff” her reply “as far as I know your not pregnant”, she had just assumed I had had a miscarriage

So angry, so angry to the point of shaking and getting a headache.



And now I’ve started spotting again and I totally blame her.