A Plan is now in Place

A Plan is now in Place

I have been off work now for almost a week which has been ok, a little boring, have made lots of meals to stash in the freezer.

Early last week we saw an obstetrician, and he went over some stuff gave us some options,  one of which was to wait another week and a bit and have another scan at about 39 weeks, and then make a definite plan, we went with this. The other options at the time were induction at 39 weeks or cesarean section.

Had the scan today, 39 weeks tomorrow,  he was practicing breathing, tummy going in and out (cute!), his head is measuring over 10cm at its widest point… and the estimated weight was 5025g or slightly over 11 pound…  so yes, he has been continuing to go at a consistent rate.

So I get a call from my midwife not long ago, and a cesarean is booked for Monday morning.  This is actually a relief for me as I have been considering both options and was having real difficulty deciding on  which I would pick if given the choice, as both have pros and cons, and I would have been ok with either.

So I’m feeling pretty good, quite calm, but also excited.

Our babys birthday will be one day before his Grandfathers on his Dads side but 60 years apart.

Still Inconclusive

Still Inconclusive

Bloods this morning, and an ultrasound scan. Bloods came back still doubling normally, 17500, about a 77hr doubling time.

Ultrasound,  well its in there, we could see what looked like a heart beat, well movement anyway, the lady tried to record it or something but couldn’t. But its very small, I should be 7 weeks today but it measured at about 5w6d (I cant remember the exact number)…

So we have another ultrasound in about 10 days.



Ultrasound Appointment Set

Ultrasound Appointment Set

My appointment letter arrived today, yay. I have an ultrasound Friday a week away =).

The spotting from yesterday is almost gone, just yucky pink stuff now.

I told a manager about what happened at work yesterday and Vicky got a talking to and apologized (which was more her justifying why she assumed I miscarried, rather than apologizing)

Tomorrow I have another blood test.

And  a big thank you to all those who read this, and are suportive, its really nice to hear from you all out there, and I really hope that some people find this informative, or helpful.

